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Why am I not receiving my leads from Down Payment Connect?



  • Official comment
    Fern White

    Hi Ryan!

    You should actually receive two emails when someone submits the form on your personalized Down Payment Connect site: one email will be your customer's search results (you're copied on that email) and the second email would be the "lead" email, which would include the customer's contact information (name, phone, email).

    Make sure you're receiving both emails when someone fills out the form, and if not, please let us know.


  • Ryan Burdziak

    I am getting the leads to my email. I am not understanding where to obtain their contact info? It just seems like the lead email is being sent to DPR, you guys match their criteria with programs in their area, and you respond to them in an email and CC me on that email. Is there any way to view/gather the info they submitted? (I.e. first/last/phone/email/are they working with a realtor/credit score etc.)


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